The Indianola City Council met in regular session Monday night, which included an opinion from the city attorney regarding the eligibility of Mayor Stephanie Erickson to retain her position after being sworn in as a member of the Warren County Board of Supervisors, and determined the two positions were incompatible, and they shouldn’t wait on an opinion from the Iowa Attorney General’s Office to decide on vacating the position and selecting a replacement. Since the item was not on the agenda, the council took no action. If the legal opinion determines Mayor Erickson cannot hold both positions, it could render all actions as Indianola Mayor void, including signing resolutions and other items decided by council. Action could possibly be taken at the next council meeting on January 21st, and Mayor Pro Tem Steve Armstrong ran the meeting Monday evening.
The council also approved the city manager recruitment process, discussed the future process for determining Vision 2030, and approved The Village Urban Renewal Plan, and a development agreement with Wesley Retirement Services.