Neighbors Helping Neighbors is an organization in Newton that is currently focused on making sure poverty level residents have clean clothes. Judy Monroe, who leads the effort as part of the organization, says there is value in providing this basic need to community members.
“Clean clothes are important to human dignity. Children need to wear clean clothes to school because it reduces bullying. People need clean clothes to go to work. People need clean clothes to go to a job interview. You need clean clothes just to feel good about yourself.”
Monroe says Neighbors Helping Neighbors began providing financial assistance for washing clothes in 2017. She says it’s more expensive than most people think to wash clothes at a laundry mat and that Neighbors Helping Neighbors also provides homemade detergent to those in need. Monroe also says that they are regularly helping 125 to 135 individuals every month. The organization works closely with the Newton Salvation Army and the First Lutheran Church in Newton.
In the summer, Monroe says Neighbors Helping Neighbors works with the Newton School District to collect school supplies for students and supplies for school nurses. Hear more about the organization on today’s Let’s Talk Newton.