New Jasper County Sheriff Brad Shutts is working on School Resource Officer Programs with Baxter and Lynnville-Sully school officials. Sheriff Shutts sees School Resource Officers as valuable assets.
“They are not just for security at the schools. They are mentors who get to know the kids and have good relationships with them. They actually go in and teach some classes. It’s a different perspective from what a teacher is teaching. They actually have real life experiences with some of the things they talk to kids about.”
In Baxter, the Jasper County Sheriff’s Department is looking to hire two officers: one for the contracted patrol of the community and the other for the new School Resource Officer position. In Lynnville-Sully, the issue is funding the School Resource Officer. In July of 2020, the Jasper County Sheriff’s Office and the Lynnville-Sully school district were awarded a $299,000 Community Oriented Policing Services grant to start the program and operate it for three years. During that time, Sheriff Shutts says the School Resource Officer has done great things for the Lynnville-Sully schools, and he’s going to be working with school leaders to find ways to fund it going forward.