
State Senator Julian Garrett is looking ahead to budget discussions in the 2025 legislative session, and is again chairing the Justice Systems Subcommittee which controls a significant portion of the state budget. Senator Garrett tells KNIA News he again expects to not spend up to the limit set by the Revenue Estimating Conference that will be announced in March, but he wants to be careful with the budget request set by Governor Kim Reynolds asking for $700 million from state reserves as asked for in her annual address.

“We can probably do that to a certain extent but we have to be very careful. When your appropriation is based to any great extent on one-time money you run the risk of not having enough available for next year then to make an appropriation as much as or maybe slightly more which is what we’ve done, then what you’ve done the prior year. When you are spending one-time money to pay for ongoing expenses, which is what the state budget is, you run some risks hopefully down the road our revenues increase.”

To hear the full interview, click below.