
The traveling exhibit Newton hosted for a month from the Smithsonian Museum in Washington D.C. drew approximately 240 people. The number comes from the City of Newton, who partnered with Grinnell College, the Jasper County Historical Society, and the Newton Historical Preservation Commission to bring “Spark! Places of Innovation” to the city. The free exhibit recognized innovation in rural America. The Jasper County Historical Society worked with the Newton Historical Preservation Commission to bring artifacts and content related to Newton and Jasper County into the exhibit as well. The City says people from all of Jasper County’s largest towns visited the exhibit, along with residents of Des Moines, Knoxville, Pella, Oskaloosa, Ames, Shenandoah, and Wellsburg.

The traveling exhibit Newton hosted for a month from the Smithsonian Museum in Washington D.C. drew approximately 240 people. The number comes from the City of Newton, who partnered with Grinnell College, the Jasper County Historical Society, and the Newton Historical Preservation Commission to bring “Spark! Places of Innovation” to the city. The free exhibit recognized innovation in rural America. The Jasper County Historical Society worked with the Newton Historical Preservation Commission to bring artifacts and content related to Newton and Jasper County into the exhibit as well. The City says people from all of Jasper County’s largest towns visited the exhibit, along with residents of Des Moines, Knoxville, Pella, Oskaloosa, Ames, Shenandoah, and Wellsburg.