
A tax credit is available for those who own mobile homes.

Those that live in a mobile home park and make less than $26,219 can qualify for the tax credit, which is also available to those who are over the age of 65 or over 18 and 100% disabled. There is a separate form to fill out for the mobile home credit that is different from the pink elderly/disabled form, and you must be over the age of 23 to receive it. Marion County Treasurer Michaela Bigaouette wants citizens to be informed about this credit.

“I think it’s important to get the word out because in order to qualify for the mobile home credit you don’t have to be disabled or elderly. You have to be over age 23 and make less than $26,219. I feel like there are probably people out there who do qualify, and aren’t aware, and not filing for this credit.”

For more information about this credit or the elderly/disabled credit, follow this link. The form is also available through your local treasurer’s office or online. Hear more from Bigaouette on today’s Let’s Talk Knoxville.