
The spring musical for the Knoxville High School Drama Department will open on Friday.

The play this spring is Seussical, a musical comedy which is based on many children’s stories of Dr. Seuss with the plot centered around Horton Hears a Who! The production will be performed at the Knoxville Performing Arts Center on Friday at 7:00 pm, Saturday at 7:00 pm and Sunday at 2:00 pm. Tickets are $10 at the door and reserved seating can be purchased following this link. The play is directed by Marty Adkins and Sara Collins and Adkins tells KNIA News he encourages everyone to come out to see the students’ talent on display and that the audience is a crucial part of the show.

“The audience is absolutely a key part of this whole experience. They’re really part of the team. The presence of people in the auditorium help give the cast and crew a lot of energy and someone to play off of. Their support and willingness to just be there and be present and engage with the characters, react to the characters, their applause, their laughter really helps make the show.”

Hear more about the show from Adkins on today’s Let’s Talk Knoxville.