
A retirement open house will be held on Wednesday, March 26th for Knoxville Public Library Director Roslin Thompson.

The event will be from 4:00 pm – 6:30 pm at the Weiler room of the library and light refreshments will be available. Thompson will be officially retiring the first week of April after serving as director for the last 16 years. Thompson tells KNIA/KRLS that it has been a joy serving as the director.

“I’ve been here at the library for 16 years as director and it has been an absolute joy. I have seen a lot of kids grow up through the years and parents, grandparents and caregivers who have brought the kids through the years. It’s just a day to have people come and I will be so honored for people to come to that open house, the final one.”

New director Ashley Miller will take over for Thompson, who has been training for her transition to the role.