21st Century Rehab is getting ready for their new role in supplying the Knoxville School District with sports medicine services. Physical Therapist Brooke Shelquist says that they’ll be working on getting some baseline concussion screening up-and-running as soon as possible. She explains that this will work as an objective measure to show whether an athlete has fully recovered from a head injury. Physical Therapist Matt DeWall explains that head injuries are most dangerous when they compound on each other, so it’s important to ensure that athletes are completely recovered before they endure more contact.
DeWall adds that they’ll also have a “bump clinic” on Saturday mornings. Athletes will be able to come in and receive instruction on treating bumps and bruises over the weekend, speeding recovery times.
Knoxville Hospital and Clinics CEO Kevin Kincaid says that the school district will incur no fees as a result of these services. He explains to KNIA/KRLS that they since the transition was on short notice, they wanted to make things as smooth as possible for the district. Kincaid adds that they also understand some of the shortfalls the athletics budget is facing, explaining they don’t want to add to that pressure.