The 24th Annual Iowa Motion Picture Awards will be held at the Pella Opera House on Saturday.
Executive Director Kevin McQuade says the Iowa Motion Picture Awards recognize outstanding, creative, and technical achievement in Iowa’s moving image production industry. The public is invited to join Iowa filmmakers throughout the day and evening at the Pella Opera House for workshops, networking events, and the 24th Annual Gala Awards Ceremony. The keynote speaker is Iowa native and former Saturday Night Live cast member Gary Kroeger.
9:45 – 11:30 AM Workshop 1 – Getting a Jump Start on Your Project with Social Media and Crowd Funding.
11:45 AM – 1:00 PM Luncheon & Membership Meeting of the Iowa Motion Picture Association. Monarch Restaurant, Royal Amsterdam Hotel, near the Pella Opera House. This is open to members and to persons who may be interested in joining. The Iowa Motion Picture Association conducts events, workshops, and seminars throughout the year for professionals, students, and members of the public. Members receive reduced rates at all events, including workshops and entries in the Iowa Motion Picture Awards.
1:15 – 2:45 PM Workshop 2 – Creative Acting
3:00 – 4:30 PM Workshop 3 – Careers in the Real World of Television, Film, & Other Media
5:00 – 7 PM Networking Reception & Hors d’oeuvres Banquet, Pella Opera House
7 PM – 9:30 PM 24th Annual Iowa Motion Picture Gala Awards Ceremony, Pella Opera House, featuring Gary Kroeger’s Keynote Talk – “Adventures in New York & Hollywood – Real World Stories from Saturday Night Live, LA Law, Murder She Wrote, Columbo, HBO’s Curb Your Enthusiasm, and Night Court. What is learned along the way?”
9:45 PM Red Carpet After-Awards Party at the Royal Amsterdam Hotel Monarch Restaurant & Lobby
Individual workshops range from $15 for Student Members to $35 for Non-Members