2015-16 USP Board of Directors
2015-16 USP Board of Directors

Pella’s community theater organization is undergoing some big changes this fall.

Former Union Street Players (USP) President Tom Vander Well stepped down from his leadership role, and Cyndi Atkins was elected to take his place. Vander Well says organizations like USP need to change leadership every seven to ten years to keep new ideas coming in.

“This has been ten years for me in the president’s role, and it’s time for USP to have some new leadership and an opportunity for other people to step up and take the mantle,” he told KNIA/KRLS news.

Atkins tells KNIA/KRLS News she plans to foster continued growth in attendance numbers and to grow the organization’s educational efforts.

“It’s really a joy to step in at this point in time because Tom has led the group through ten tremendous years of growth,” she says.

She says they are always welcoming new members at their monthly meetings, which take place on the second Monday each month at 7 p.m. at the Pella Community Center.