The Knoxville Hospital and Clinics will be hosting free skin cancer screenings this week. The screenings will take place from Monday through Friday from 5 to 7 p.m. each day.
Screenings will take place in a private setting and consist of a brief skin assessment by a medical professional. Typically, only exposed areas such as your face, arms, hands, neck, and feet will be examined. Screenings will be available to both adults and children. Nurse Practitioner with the hospital, Jen Wilken tells KNIA/KRLS News anyone who wants a free screening can call to make an appointment and also find out more information by visiting the hospital website. Recommended attire for the screenings is shorts and a t-shirt. Skin cancer screenings are not intended to take the place of comprehensive skin exams. For a more in-depth examination, please schedule an appointment with your dermatologist.