Homecoming is this week for the Knoxville High School.
Superintendent Cassi Pearson tells KNIA/KRLS News everything will get kicked off with a dodgeball tournament at the high school today at 6 p.m. Thursday a jersey auction at Ken Locke Stadium will be held at 5:30 pm with a pep rally at 7 p.m. Following the pep rally the boys will take part in Ironman Volleyball and girls will play Powder Puff Football. Friday will feature the annual Homecoming Parade and will be announced by KNIA/KRLS and feature the KNIA/KRLS Lil Big Red Radio. The homecoming king and queen will be crowned during the Thursday pep rally at 7 p.m. This year’s homecoming court includes king candidates Titius Chapman, Nicholas Crouse, Bret Johnson, Ben Wallace and Jon Zohlmann. And for queen, Jada Agan, Kaley Iddings, Grace Loscher, Cassidy Pearson and Tiffany VandeKamp.