The Pella Fire Department is hosting a pancake fundraiser to raise funds for the American Lung Association today.
Firefighter Justin Trenkamp tells KNIA/KRLS News the department is inviting the community to breakfast from 6 to 11 a.m. at the end of Fire Prevention Week.
Firefighter Mike Branderhorst says the community can take tours of the Pella Fire Department and their trucks, as well as participate in a raffle for door prizes, including a pedal tractor from Mowbility, a helicopter ride donated by Larry DeVries, a ride in the Pella Rural Fire Department truck during the Tulip Time Parade, a family night at Pizza Ranch, and a 50″ TV and dinner from Applebee’s.
Both say proceeds from the free-will donation event benefit the Pella Fire Department’s Fight for Air Climb teams raising money for the American Lung Association. The breakfast marks the end of fire prevention week. Hear more about the Fight for Air Climb fundraiser on today’s Let’s Talk Pella.