A long-time high school theatre director is celebrating a milestone production.
Marlo Van Peursem is leading his 125th show as the Pella Christian Theatre Troupe presents Les Miserables tonight and Saturday at 7 p.m.
Student actor Ryan Van Gilst tell KNIA/KRLS News that Marlo has had an enormous impact on them and the many students participating in Pella Christian’s award-winning arts program.
“There’s just a lot of inside joke type of things that if you’re in the musical, then you start to catch on to those, so it almost makes you feel like you have a place,” Van Gilst says. “Whether you’re only going to do this once or for the rest of your high school career, it makes you feel like you have a home.”
“Different types of people can come together and put something together, and ‘VP’ is a big part of that.”
A special celebration will be held Saturday prior to the show, as alumni are invited to congratulate Van Peursem.