The Pella Police Department engaged in the following activities during the week of October 29, 2017 to November 04, 2017:
Calls for Service 165
Traffic Citations 11
Traffic Warnings 54
Parking Tickets 11
Arrests 6
Charges 10
Warrant Arrests 0
The Pella Police Department Communications Center engaged in the following activities during the week of October 29, 2017 to November 04, 2017:
Incoming Telephone Calls 308
Incoming 911 Calls 47
On 10/29/17, a juvenile male of Pella was charged with possession of marijuana. The male was cited and released to a guardian.
On 10/29/17, Julie A. Morgan, 39, of Pella was charged with operating while intoxicated. Morgan was incarcerated.
On 11/02/17, Billy R.D. Hanover, 54, of Cedar Rapids was charged with burglary 3rd degree, possession of burglary tools, interference with official acts and theft 5th degree. Hanover was
On 11/02/17, Alyson D. Martens, 21, of Wapello was charged with possession of marijuana. Martens was pre-trial released with a court date.
On 11/02/17, Adrien T. Pounds, 22, of Corydon was charged with possession of marijuana. Pounds was pre-trial released with a court date.
On 11/02/17, Dante P. Vitullo, 22, of Pella was charged with possession of marijuana and possession of drug paraphernalia. Vitullo was pre-trial released with a court date.