The civil trial in the homicide of Shirley Carter continued Friday.

Shirley Carter was shot and killed in her home in western Marion County on June 19th, 2015. Bill Carter, husband of Shirley, accuses son Jason of committing the murder, and Jason says his father did it. In his opening statement Tuesday, the attorney for Bill Carter told the jury that he would show the audience that Jason Carter lived a reckless lifestyle, had at least one affair, was deeply in debt, and allegedly killed Shirley Carter to gain access to his parent’s approximately $10 million dollars in assets.

Friday’s testimony focused on continued establishment of a timeline for the day of the murder, a consideration of forensic evidence, and the nature of Bill and Shirley Carter’s relationship, and their relationship to son Jason and his wife Shelly. Bill Carter described their relationship with son Jason and his wife as strained. They feared that the younger couple were in debt, and would need help from Bill and Shirley. Bill said that he and Shirley agreed that they would not offer financial help if asked. Bill said that in the week up to the murder, Jason and Shelly would come over every night, and that Jason would ask Bill what he was doing the next day. The night before the murder, Jason asked again, and Bill told he he wanted to get a load of grain to Cargill in Eddyville before 9:00 a.m. and then he was going haying.

Bill Carter was on his way home when he received a phone call from daughter Jana. In an emotional moment, he described the call — ”Jana said Dad, mom’s dead. And Jason found her, and he won’t call 911. You have to call 911, and that’s when my life ended.” Bill called 911, arrived at the house, where Jason was on the deck, on the phone talking and pacing. Bill related that all that day, he never saw any tears from Jason.

Bill also described his last moments with Shirley — “I saw Shirley lying there — I checked her carotid artery, then kissed her on the forehead, and she was cool — she was gone.” I picked her head up and held her. I told her I was sorry. I was sorry I wasn’t there to protect her.”

The trial continues Monday.