The Knoxville VA Clinic will be will host the 7th annual VA2K Walk and Roll on Wednesday, May 17th.
Nurse Beth German tells KNIA/KRLS News the VA2K is when the the clinic collects donations to help homeless vets throughout Knoxville and Marion County. The event will begin at 11 a.m. and will run until 1 p.m. German says, residents just need to show up, bring a donation, and sign a waiver to participate. German adds, residents can walk or run at their own pace and it’s all meant to have some healthy fun for a good cause. For more information about the VA2K Walk contact Beth German with the Knoxville VA.
List of items in need of donation:
Laundry Detergent
Alarm Clocks
New Bike Helmets
Men’s Underwear All Sizes
Cooking Items (can openers)
Small Calendar, Notebook
Spring Clothing Items
Raincoats, Umbrellas, Ponchos
Bottled Water
Cleaning Supplies
Laundry Bags