Pella High School is home to some of the best music programs in Iowa. And for the first time, they are coming together for a special showcase.
The first Pella Music Showcase will feature three shows on Friday, April 27th and Saturday, April 28th. Pella Associate Band Director Dameon Place and Director of Vocal Music Michelle Chaplin tell KNIA/KRLS News the school is combining previous end-of-year celebrations with the bands, orchestra, and vocal music departments.
The three shows take place at 7 p.m. Friday and 2 and 7 p.m. Saturday. Tickets are available to the public, and a link to purchasing information can be found here.
To order tickets, begin a new email (don’t reply to an email) to and include the following information:
Your name
Which show(s) you want to attend
How many tickets you want
Your child’s name, grade, and ensemble(s) they are involved with (If applicable)
Specific seating area request
We will assume you want best seats available if you don’t request a certain area
Please note if your group of 10 or less must be seated together or could split up
Indicate if anyone in your group will have a wheelchair
Phone number where we can contact you if we have questions
Payment is due by April 25th to Michelle Chaplin at Pella High School.
Hear more on today’s Let’s Talk Pella.