The third annual Helmets and Hot Dogs bike safety event took place this afternoon.

A packed parking lot of children between the ages of preschool-5th grade learned about bike safety, why wearing a helmet is important, and exchanged older helmets for new ones. The Knoxville Library, Police Department, Fire Department, and the Heartsill family were all present giving away prizes, doing helmet checks and giving new helmets, and demonstrating how to correctly ride your bike on the streets.

Marion County Public Health served lunch, and performed the “protect your melon” demonstration, dropping a watermelon with and without a helmet to show the importance of wearing a helmet. Organizers of the event Greg and Angie Heartsill tell KNIA/KRLS News this event serves a great purpose and the community helped put it together.

Greg Heartsill
“This being the last day of school kids are anxious to get outside and riding bikes is one of the main activities, so that means we need to make sure they understand the importance of bike safety and wearing a helmet”

Angie Heartsill
“I was really pleased with all of the sponsors who helped us this year, and it really was just everyone working together to make it happen and get the word out. I was very pleased with what happened this year”

The Knoxville Police Department will also be issuing “tickets” for children practicing good bike safety on the roads this summer. The KNIA/KRLS Little Big Red Radio was on location playing music and making announcements.

Emma Devoll and Jayden Hays each won a bike