The Pella City Council approved contracts for several projects set to begin in the 2019 construction season.

Assistant City Administrator Corey Goodenow tells KNIA/KRLS News several city streets will be resurfaced by next summer in an effort to extend the effective life and quality of those roads. The contract was awarded to Grimes Asphalt Corporation for just over $928,000.

The following projects will be addressed:

Volksweg Trail:
Extending along Idaho Drive from the stone house to the City’s corporate limits. Portions of the
existing trail that are concrete will not be overlaid. In addition, there is a portion of the trail
located outside of City limits, extending from the City’s corporate limits along Idaho Drive and
198th Place to the bottom of the hill at 216th Place, that Marion County will be responsible for the costs of engineering, design, and construction in accordance with the 28E agreement with Marion County.

Arterial and Collector Streets:
• Clark Street/T17 from just south of Hwy 163 to corporate limits (1,200 linear feet)
• Broadway Street from Washington Street to Adams Street (2,955 linear feet)
• Washington Street from West 5th Street to west of West 6th Street (680 linear feet)

Local Streets:
• Country Club Drive from Elm Street to the northern dead end (1,255 linear feet)
• Jefferson Street from Main Street to E 2nd Street (800 linear feet)
• East 8th Street from Oskaloosa Street to University Street (645 linear feet)
• Bruce Lane from W 4th Street to the east cul-de-sac (365 linear feet)
• Edgewood Drive from Bruce Lane to the north (600 linear feet)

Alley behind City Hall from Washington Street to Franklin Street (435 linear feet)

Hear more about the latest from the Pella City Council on today’s Let’s Talk Pella.