For even the most inveterate smoker, it’s never too late to quit; and next Thursday marks the annual campaign to get smokers to put down their tobacco for one day…and beyond.
The Great American Smoke-Out on November 15th is held each year by the American Cancer Society, in an effort to get smokers to give up the habit for one day. The goal is for them to use this day to spur them on to giving up smoking altogether.
Chelsea Bagby with the Marion County Public Health Department says smokers should utilize Quitline Iowa and the support of friends and family to help them give up the habit; but she tells KNIA/KRLS News smokers shouldn’t be discouraged if they fail to quit after one or more tries.
“It’s an addiction, and addictions are hard to quit; that’s their nature, and it could take more than one time,” Bagby says. “Definitely get that support group, use your resources like Quitline Iowa, and hopefully whether it’s the first or the second or the third time trying you can quit successfully.”
Bagby says some of the long-term effects of smoking may linger even after you stop, but other problems will start to go away as your body heals itself.
You can find out more concerning the Great American Smoke-Out on today’s edition of Let’s Talk Knoxville.