With Veterans Day falling on a Sunday, a trio of Knoxville recognition events in honor of vets and their families will come on Monday instead.

The day opens with a breakfast for veterans and their families at the National Guard armory in Knoxville, sponsored by Hy-Vee; it will be free to all former and current military personnel and their loved ones.

The American Legion will have an information table set up for veterans which may be interested in joining; their numbers are starting to thin out, and the Legion is seeking former service members from more recent wars to join their ranks.

American Legion Post Commander Curt Froyen tells KNIA/KRLS News they will then be joining forces with the post in Melcher-Dallas to provide gifts to older veterans.

“Our unit is working with the Melcher-Dallas unit to present, basically gift bags to all the veterans in the various nursing homes and care centers here in Knoxville; that’s beginning at 2 o’clock,” Froyen says. “Then at 4:30 we are meeting in the high school commons…with the Quilts of Honor program to present quilts to 20 veterans.”

Recipients of those quilts will include remaining ones from the World War II and Korean War eras; some from Vietnam will also be recognized.

The flags posted at Graceland Cemetery will remain on display until Tuesday afternoon at 3 o’clock; volunteers will be there at that time to remove and store them away for the winter.