Students returning from winter break at Pella Christian High School had a unique experience for the 6th straight year.
The annual Winterim Program kicked off the second semester this month. Pella Christian students experienced unique classes, took four trips both out-of-state and internationally, and had internships throughout the community.
Student Brianna Jansen interned at the Mahaska Health Partnership Hospital in the surgery department. She tells KNIA/KRLS News it’s an experience that has pushed her back into considering a career in the medical field.
“I’ve always kind of wanted to be a doctor and I wasn’t really sure about surgery because I knew it was a lot of time commitment,” she says. “But doing this internship has kind of put this back in the forefront of my mind in thinking as possibly doing that as a career.”
Isabella Baugh went to Pella Regional Health Center, and also watched numerous surgeries and childbirth.
“It was actually amazing, a lot of people were like, ‘why would you want to see that?’ she says. “But you are seeing the miracle of life, so it was a really eye-opening and great experience.”
Stay tuned to KNIA/KRLS to hear the experiences of students participating in the 6th annual Winterim at Pella Christian High School.