This is National Engineering Week. Founded by the National Society of Professional Engineers in 1951, EWeek is dedicated to ensuring a diverse and well-educated future engineering workforce by increasing understanding of and interest in the field. Teri Vos with Vermeer Corporation tells KRLS News the company celebrates the week on an annual basis, and is doing so this week.
“We have some kind of outreach happening every day,” Vos says. “We have individuals going out to the classroom and talking about their careers or we have a plant tour, with a group of students touring plant four.”
“We had a group of engineers go to the Yellow Iron Academy and talk about being inventors and the students created catapults out of plastic cups and spoons, and we learned what they thought about engineering and being inventors themselves.”
Vos says it’s the company’s way of celebrating the various engineers they have on staff and to let them show off the work they do every day.