
Bills in both the Iowa Senate and the Iowa House which would outlaw the practice of female genital mutilation in the state are expected to pass both houses in short order; and State Sen. Amy Sinclair says having an Iowa law against the practice is essential for the health and safety of girls.

Sen. Sinclair tells KNIA/KRLS News a state law may be necessary to fill the gap in federal law left by a recent court ruling.

“That became a big deal when the Federal District Court in eastern Michigan struck down the federal law, saying it was a state law enforcement issue. Iowa had no state law governing it, and so it’s incumbent upon us to make sure that we’re protecting those young ladies from being harmed with a lifelong mutilation,” Sinclair says.

This is a common practice in many cultures, and can be found in some communities within the United States with populations which come from countries where this is done.