Congressman Dave Loebsack dropped in for a cup of coffee, and an open discussion among his constituents about matters he and others in Washington are dealing with.
Rep. Loebsack stopped by Coffee Connection in downtown Knoxville on Saturday afternoon, as part of a four-city tour of his district; he spent time talking with citizens about matters ranging from how to deal with climate change to the progress of the Robert Mueller investigation into President Trump.
Rep. Loebsack tells KNIA/KRLS News this is the way elected officials in Washington should be dealing with matters; speaking face to face instead of via social media, and addressing issues in a civil manner instead of a confrontational one.
“And that’s something I’ve been dealing with since I’ve been in office, quite honestly. I do the best I can to work with the other side of the aisle, because that’s what people want me to do,” Rep. Loebsack says.
“I’ve often said, if the President for example just would not tweet I think that would really help a lot. And then people on my side of the aisle, if they just would not…do so much of the communication on social media. Let’s just talk to each other face to face, and be more civil about it.”
The Congressman noted how knowledgeable the people he met with are about current issues; he says there’s a heightened awareness among voters about matters affecting the country and the state as the election draws near.