
Over the last several years, sewer repair and maintenance has increased in the City of Indianola, as the Water Pollution Control department has attempted to reduce infiltration/inflow issues. Water Pollution Control Superintendent Rick Graves tells KNIA News the city has lined and repaired approximately 4,000 feet of sewer, and the overall goal is to make the city more efficient treating water.

“Our goal is to hopefully reduce a lot of I/I issues and basement backups for residents of the city. Hopefully we will get to the point where we can treat the actual wastewater at the plant rather than allowing the rainwater to enter our system. Right now we have about two million gallons a day, and a good rain or good thaw like we’ve had in the last couple weeks, we have average up to almost five million gallons, which is a lot of untreated water.”

Graves also said that 4,000 feet of sewer is a lot to repair, but the city has over 90 miles of sewer and 1,700 manholes to take care of, so it is a long process.