While THRIVE Knoxville is focusing on preparing its new park near downtown Knoxville, volunteers are needed to help clean up at the other parks in town.
The annual Spring Into Parks clean-up this coming Sunday will also send volunteers to the established parks in town; Tyler Pearson from THRIVE tells KNIA/KRLS News they plan on having a small army of volunteers spread out to all of the town’s parks and get them in shape for the spring and summer ahead.
“Looking for more volunteers to help out; we have a few fun projects this year that we’re going to try and clean up. We’re going to go to Auld Park again, and we’re going to make sure the dog park is cleaned up, get the rakes and everything, to get the leaves that all gathered up into a nice pile,” Pearson says.
“We’re going to go to Youngs Park and clean up by the baseball field and the park there as well.”
Volunteers will gather at the Knoxville School District administration building, and fan out to all the various sites; they can work two-hour shifts from 1:00 to 3:00 p.m. and 3:00 to 5:00 p.m. or sign up for the entire four hours. Registration can be done in advance online.