The first steps will be taken this year towards upgrading Lincoln Street in Knoxville, as the City Council voted on Monday night to authorize the preliminary engineering work.
The Council voted in favor of having Snyder and Associates do the necessary preparations for overlay of the road, and installation of new traffic lights; this work is being made possible through a state grant.
Snyder will also begin examining the Weiler Road intersection; this work will commence next summer.
The Council also scheduled a public hearing on its new rental agreement with the Senior Center; a hearing will be held at their next meeting on May 20th, and shortly thereafter a three-year agreement for use of the basement of City Hall will be up for discussion.
Council members also decided against authorizing a demolition burn for an old house at 314 Freemont; the owner offered the house four years ago to then-Fire Chief Jim Mitchell for a training burn, and he accepted…but the burn kept getting delayed.
Current Fire Chief Cal Wyman says the house is no longer suitable for training purposes, and there’s too much liability risk for the city to burn it down for demolition purposes.