
Indianola High School students can receive some help with paying for their education at the next level this evening, as the Indianola Area Dollars for Scholars and the Annual Student Scholarship Award night will take place at the High School. Dollars for Scholars will begin the evening with their scholarship presentations at 5pm, immediately followed by the awards night presentations. Kim Guilford with the Indianola Area Dollars for Scholars tells KNIA News generous donations from area businesses, such as a $1,000 check from the Indianola Lions Club, show how much the area cares about the students.

“So many businesses, individuals, and groups have contributed to Dollars for Scholars, and it helps us award more scholarships. For the graduating students, it helps so much with books, tuition, other things, it’s a really beneficial scholarship. We have businesses and organizations that have donated for years, and the influx of new businesses donating as well, so appreciate everything the community does for this.”

KNIA Radio will be giving away a scholarship to an Indianola student interested in furthering their education in communications or broadcasting.