
Even though their time in the Armed Forces is behind them, the members of the VFW Post in Knoxville continue to serve the community; and their hard work is being recognized by the state organization.

VFW Post 3519 has been named an All-State Post, one of just twelve out of 127 posts in Iowa to be so recognized.

Jake Beaver is the Post Commander; he tells KNIA/KRLS News they earned this honor through service to the community, and hewing to the core values of the VFW by fulfilling all of its requirements.

“The Voice of Democracy, Patriots Day and Officer of the Year, Teacher of the Year, Buddy Poppy distributions, various donations to other funds that the VFW has to help veterans in need…along with our state, we had to donate into to help with other needs there.

“We’ve assisted with the homeless veterans issues by doing a clothing drive here; in the community we’ve sponsored a Little League team; recently we just bought a bunch of Gatorade for the softball team for their games. Various other charities in town that we’ve had to help with and get involved and be out in the community besides just all the core values,” Beaver says.

This is the first time in the post’s 83-year history it has received All-State recognition; Beaver says they will be formally presented with the award at the state VFW convention next month…and they are also now eligible for consideration as an All-American Post.