
The Iowa Department of Transportation is requesting public input on the proposed removal and replacement of the Iowa Highway 92 bridge over Muchakinock Creek; the proposed off-site detour route; and right-of-way needs. The proposed project involves the replacement of the existing 145-foot x 30-foot continuous concrete slab bridge with a 242-foot x 44-foot prestressed beam bridge using accelerated bridge construction methods. The bridge replacement project also involves raising the grade approximately 4.5 feet to reduce overtopping during heavy rainfall events. Construction would occur calendar year 2021 and will be on an expedited schedule. During the bridge replacement, the roadway will be closed. Motorists will be directed to use an official off-site detour, following Marion County Road T-17 and Iowa Highway 163. It is anticipated the detour will be in place for three weeks, weather permitting. Local traffic will have access to Iowa 92 except the lanes crossing the bridge over Muchakinock Creek nea. For general information or to make a comment regarding the proposed improvements, contact Hector Torres-Cacho, transportation planner at the Iowa DOT District 5 Office in Fairfield. Comments must be received by July 18th to be considered.