
The Pella City Council will likely take until the end of this year to make a final decision as it relates to proceeding with a future option for the Pella Community Center. At a work session Tuesday, they were presented with two main options — renovate the current location on Union Street or build a new, larger space near the Pella Aquatic Center. In both cases, a bond referendum will be necessary to fund the improvements, which based on preliminary estimates, could cost between $10 to $15 million. Based on a timeline given by city staff, council is scheduled to spend the rest of this year to gain additional input from focus groups and the public before deciding how to proceed. Council has several other options that were discussed at this week’s session, which could include preservation of the current site as an arts center, with construction of athletics facilities elsewhere in the community. The goal is to have a bond referendum package ready for public vote in Fall of 2020, after several months of public input and more refined site plans for any option council decides.