Residents of Knoxville had the opportunity Wednesday to learn more about Marsy’s Law as the Marsy’s Law for Iowa organization held a Road to Rights Community Coffee event in Knoxville. Community members were able to learn more about the movement which aims to ensure Iowa crime victims and their families are provided the same constitutional rights as the accused. State Director for Marsy’s Law for Iowa, Eric Baker tells KNIA/KRLS News the number one reaction he hears is that people are surprised and shocked that Iowa does not have this law on the books already. Baker says the truth is Iowa is one of only 13 states nationwide that does not mention crime victims in the state constitution. Some victims’ rights that would be included as part of Marsy’s Law include the right to be heard with notice of all proceedings; the right to be heard in any proceeding involving release, pleas, sentencing, deposition and parole; the right to reasonable protection from the accused; the right to reasonable notice of any release or escape of the convicted; and the right to restitution resulting from the financial impact of the crime.