
A high speed chase that started in Marion County Sunday evening ended in a crash in Des Moines. At approximately 8:04 p.m. the Marion County Sheriff’s Office took a report of a reckless driver travelling westbound in the eastbound lane of the 800 Block of Highway 92 just west of Knoxville. A Marion County Sheriff’s Deputy attempted a traffic stop with the vehicle at which time the vehicle did not stop. The driver reached speeds of approximately 120 mph on Highway 92 westbound. The pursuit continued North on Highway 5 by Pleasantville, through Carlisle and on into Polk County. Shortly after turning Northbound onto Fleur Drive, the Marion County Deputies terminated the pursuit and the driver of the vehicle, identified as Awo Ahmed Abdalla Kowa of Knoxville, continued where he was involved in a collision at the intersection of Fleur Drive and Watrous in Des Moines. He was caught on foot, taken into custody, and transported to the Polk County Jail. Kowa has been charged with the following charges in Polk and/or Marion Counties: Driving while license denied suspended or revoked, OWI 3rd, leaving the scene of an accident, interference with official acts, operating vehicle without interlock device, eluding speeds over 25 over limit, speeding over 55 zone, failure to obey a stop sign and yield right of way, reckless driving and driving on the wrong side of a two way highway. The Marion County Sheriff’s Office, Pleasantville Police Department, Warren County Sheriff’s Office, Polk County Sheriff’s Office, Des Moines Police Department, Carlisle Police Department and the Iowa State Patrol responded.