The Indianola City Council approved the sale of a city-owned lot at the corner of Highway 92 and S 8th St. at their most recent meeting to Cabin Coffee. City Manager Ryan Waller tells KNIA News the lot, which came into the city’s possession from their Dangerous and Dilapidated Properties program, where the city would take over a dangerous building, demolish it, and sell the property to a developer. Waller also said the lot is is one of the few remaining holdovers from the program, and will be a boost to the city.
“A developer had identified this site and is going to be putting a $415,000 building on it to operate a coffee shop. It complies with zoning so there is very little the city can do in terms of the use of the building, but I think the big important part for the community is that there is a structure going on a vacant lot that was once held by the city, so you are adding taxable value so it is a benefit for all taxpayers.”
Cabin Coffee is a chain business that owns locations in six states, and seven current locations in Iowa including a new location in Winterset.