The Marion County Board of Supervisors will meet in regular session today. The board will hear a presentation from Travis Sterling with Sterling Physical Therapy as well as hold a public hearing regarding the proposed vacating of all or part of certain road rights-of-way of Beardsley Drive and possibly take action. They will discuss and take possible action regarding a proposed amendment to the Road and Traffic Agreement with Western Minnesota Municipal Power Agency for the Red Rock Hydroelectric Project. The board will discuss and take possible action regarding a request from Marion County Ag Extension for health insurance benefits as well as transition of General Assistance Services to Public Health. They will discuss the consideration of a transition plan to a .GOV web domain for Marion County as well as consider a class E liquor license renewal for New Star Pella. They will discuss and take possible action regarding the 2019 Marion County Weed Commissioner’s Report to be submitted to the Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship as well as a letter of support for the South Central Iowa Cedar Creek Watershed Management RCPP grant proposal. The meeting will begin at 9 a.m. and will be held at the Marion County Courthouse.