The Indianola and Warren County Hometown Pride organizations have been focusing in 2019 on bringing communities, volunteer groups, charity organizations, and businesses together to help combine resources and make the area the best that it possibly can be. Lorin Ditzler with Warren County Hometown Pride tells KNIA News creating contacts with different groups has been huge.
“One of the things that Indianola Hometown Pride has been thinking about since we started was, we already have a lot of great things in the community and so many organizations working to improve the community. Our work was to bring them all together, get them to talk to each other, and make sure the public knows about the great things that they do, sometimes that gets overlooked.”
Ditzler also said programs such as partnering with Simpson College to do a service organization fair such as the one they put on this fall was great, especially getting young people involved. For more information on other Hometown Pride projects, tune in to today’s Let’s Talk Indianola.