
The Indianola City Council met in regular session Monday evening. The council swore in new members Heather Hulen and Gwen Schroder, and re-swore in John Parker.

The council also honored outgoing council members Shirley Clark and Joe Gezel with proclamations, as well as a proclamation for retiring City Clerk Diana Bowlin, who worked for the City of Indianola for 41 years. The council also tabled the proposed site plan from Kading Properties for the Cavitt Creek Condominiums, as a traffic impact analysis was received by the city Monday afternoon, and city staff had not had adequate time to review the study. The plan will be voted on January 21st. The council approved the plans for the Indianola Water Resource Recovery Facility Project, approved a change in the zoning code dealing with bed and breakfasts and another for breweries, and tabled nominations Indianola Hometown Pride and the Parks and Rec Commission.