A week from today the Knoxville community will once again come together for the 12th annual best in the nation Coaches vs Cancer event at Knoxville High School. A special ceremony will be held between the girls and boys basketball games with Chariton. Knoxville Girls Head Basketball Coach and organizer of the event Jim Uitermarkt tells KNIA/KRLS News after 12 years the ceremony continues to make him stop and understand why we are here. He says there are a lot of emotions that come along with it, to the point that he has been brought to tears. Uitermarkt says the ceremony also gives the community a sense of pride knowing they are truly helping the people battling for their lives. The ceremony will feature the major donations received for the event as well as celebrate the survivors and honor those lost to cancer. During the ceremony and throughout the day supporters of the event are dressed in special pink Coaches vs Cancer shirts. A special silent auction is held throughout the day to help raise funds as well. The KNIA/KRLS Big Red Radio will be at the event throughout the day broadcasting live, playing music and making announcements.