Today is the last opportunity for the people of Knoxville to add their input to the Knoxville Public Library’s new mural. Artist Kim DeSocio who was awarded the first grant for Public Art at the library by the Knoxville Heritage Community Foundation, will be taking suggestions from the community as to what they would like to see. DeSocio tells KNIA/KRLS there are crayons and paper available for any children who wish to add their ideas. DeSocio says for parents to write down what their kids draw so she doesn’t guess wrong. She says people can also write down what they would like to see, as well as find her on Facebook and send her a message on there as well. DeSocio painted the library’s original mural in 2006 that can still be seen in the children’s librarian office. DeSocio will be at the library today from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. For more information and to hear the complete interview with DeSocio, tune in to today’s Let’s Talk Knoxville