
“Following directions” will be the March positive behavior goal for Northstar Elementary School students. If students meet standards set through the school’s Positive Behavior Intervention System (PBIS) program, they will earn a celebration or reward at the end of the month. Last Friday, Principal John Keitges led Northstar’s end-of-month PBIS assembly, beginning with a review of February’s behavior goal: being respectful to classmates. Then, students completed a listening activity to introduce March’s goal.  

Throughout March, Northstar teachers will reinforce the goal with their classes and students can track their progress in the trophy case near the office. Goals are set by the school’s PBIS team based on the types of behavior referrals that have been written over the previous month. The PBIS March reward consists of two prizes: “Luck of the Draw” and “Theme Day.” “Luck of the Draw” allows students to pull a random Panther Ticket, valued between five and 100 tickets, from a box. The theme for this month will be “Crazy Sock Day.”