The Knoxville School Board held a follow-up work session with Dr. Jim Verlengia of Drake University Wednesday. Verlengia, an expert in leadership development, coaching, changing leadership, mediation, culture building and strategic planning, discussed with the board ways they could become a more cohesive board to better serve the children who attend the district. . Verlengia discussed with the board the importance in realizing how the work they are doing now affects future generations. He told the board if a child is born today, they will graduate in 2038, and every member of the board will not be on the board anymore, proving to the board members that their actions now will be felt even when they are gone. Verlengia tells KNIA/KRLS News residents of Knoxville can help the board continue to improve by supporting the board, not just in their attendance of meetings but in their conversations with them and telling the board they support the fact that they are trying to become a high performing board. To hear the complete interview with Dr. Verlengia, tune in to today’s Let’s Talk Knoxville. To listen to the complete work session click below.