
Pella Historical Society and Museums is currently monitoring the spread of the pandemic Coronavirus (COVID-19) and how it may impact the 85th annual Tulip Time celebration.

Executive Director Valerie Van Kooten says the organization and the Tulip Time Steering Committee are reviewing state guidelines from the Iowa Department of Public Health as how to proceed. Van Kooten says they want to do what’s in the best interest for the public and Pella community.

“Our Pella Historical Board and the Tulip Time Steering Committee have been monitoring things very closely, and we are taking our guidance from the Iowa Department of Public Health,” she says. “They are not at this point advising us to shut down and it’s a very fluid situation. We don’t know what will happen in the next week or two or the next month, but we are watching it very carefully.”

“We’re also taking precautions if and when Tulip Time does go ahead, with more hand sanitizers, and more things around that will help keep people secure. We have some bus groups that have called that are kind of on hold, waiting to see what happens and if they’re going to come in, and everybody needs to make that decision for themselves, but right now we are taking this all on a day-to-day basis.”

No changes have been made yet as it relates to the celebration that typically attracts well over 100,000 visitors annually. The 2020 Tulip Time Celebration is the 85th in the history of Pella, and is currently scheduled May 7th through the 9th. Stay tuned to 92.1 KRLS for the latest information.