Many in the Pella community are rallying to the call to help medical professionals as they prepare to fight COVID-19.
In Pella, a post on the Facebook Group “Pella, How Can We Help?” had a call for medical shields to be produced via 3D-Printing, in a post originated by resident Elizabeth Dierking, with the intention of donating the final products to Pella Regional Health Center.
Pella High School Engineering Teacher Kendi Arndt was among those who answered, and is now utilizing the school’s five 3D printers to create the parts needed for plastic guards to help protect doctors and nurses when they help patients with the novel coronavirus.
Arndt says she has the capability to produce up to 25 parts for face guards daily, and knows of others in the community that plan to help by using specific programmable instructions for a 3D printer. Find more details at this Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/209908707017770/