
The Indianola High School is attempting to take the positive out of the current situation with school being canceled for another several weeks and the spring season of athletics not taking place. Activities Director Lee Nelson tells KNIA News a common message he relays to students during the school year is to not get worn down about things you can’t control, so it is a lesson to everyone right now.

“If you are going to be frustrated and get angry over something you can’t control, you are probably going to be very unhappy all the time. So I think this is a good time for everyone to sit back, evaluate where you are at, try to stay positive. I know it is difficult because we don’t really have any answers and we don’t know what is going to happen next and when that is going to happen. There is so much unknown it is tough to be positive, but I think that’s the biggest thing we can do here.”

The full interview is below.