
Marion County representatives and local community leaders including Marion County Public Health Director Kim Dorn, Pella Regional Health Center CEO Bob Kroese, Knoxville Hospital and Clinics CEO Kevin Kincaid, Marion County Auditor Jake Grandia and Marion County Park Ranger Dave McKinney gave updates on how the COVID-19 pandemic was affecting the county as well as what they were doing to keep people safe. According to Marion County officials, there are four confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Marion County which include one active case and three cases in which the people infected have recovered. The current active case is a person between the ages of 18-40 years-old. Marion County Public Health Director Kim Dorn tells KNIA/KRLS News when it is said that a person has recovered from the virus, it means the person has made it through the recovery period and have been fever free without the aid of medication for 72 hours and it has been at least seven days since the onset of their symptoms. She says everyone infected has to meet those requirements before they are considered recovered. 

McKinney said that while Marion County Parks are closed to vehicle traffic, pedestrians and bicyclists may still use the trails.

Marion County will continue to hold informative press conferences for the foreseeable future with the next scheduled for Monday, April 20th at 1 p.m. Each press conference will be aired live on 92.1 KRLS and 95.3 KNIA and reaired at 6 p.m.

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