Stepping up from high school to college is a huge step for anyone on the athletic field. Golf is no different when you have mainly nine and 18 hole tournaments in high school to 36 hole tournaments over two-to-three days in college. Former Knoxville Boys Golf Standout Tyler Vaske, who now is a part of the Grand View University Men’s Golf Squad quickly realized the grind is a little different on the college level.
“I didn’t realize how much 36 holes does to a person. I can come out and play 36 holes for fun no problem but it’s the mental grind to play 36 holes and getting your body in shape, working out is a huge thing.”
Vaske adds the competition within the team is different as well. In high school several of his teammates were there to have fun while trying to play their best, in college the competition within the team makes everyone raise their game whether it’s during a tournament or just on the practice links.