
During the current shutdown of Iowa high school athletics, there is still hope for a summer sports season. Now that there will not be any spring sports, it gives the student-athletes a chance to focus solely on preparation for their summer sport. While no formal instruction is allowed, Pleasantville Baseball head coach Sheldon Card still sends messages to his players on a regular basis. While physical preparation is important, he says it’s just as important to have the right mindset during this tough time.

“We are getting behind with that, you just hope kids are working out. Again, I don’t expect them to be out playing catch every day or trying to hit every day. Hopefully they’re getting some exercise on their own. I just try to send out a message once a week, and it’s not even baseball related. More to just put yourself in a good mental position and try to find yourself having success.”

If the season does resume as scheduled, the Trojans would open at home on June 2nd against Earlham.